Meet RecoveryATX
Our Mission
To strengthen the recovery community by providing educational opportunities and support services.
Board Members
Our Values...
We are guided by a core set of values that guide everything we do:
● Recovery is a dynamic process in which the individual is the expert in their own lives.
● All pathways, programs, and modalities of recovery are valuable and legitimate.
● Individuals who use substances or live with severe and persistent mental illness are worthy, loved, and deserve dignity.
● Saving lives is always #1; you can’t recover if you are no longer living.
● Harm reduction is both a pathway and program of recovery, as well as a lifesaving set of services.
● The community is the best source of information in addressing substance use, mental health, and other quality of life concerns.
● Stigma, bias, and discrimination have no place in recovery.
● Tough love approaches to initiating recovery dehumanize and harm individuals living with substance use or mental health disorders.
● The ability to pay should not impact the availability of quality recovery support services.
To Our Donors...
RATX would be nothing without the investment and compassion we’ve received from our donors. In order to provide the live-giving, community-building services to the recovery community, we rely on the support and financial contributions of generous donors.
If your business or enterprise has supported RATX over the years: Our sincere THANK YOU! Your contributions have provided a genuine breath of life into the recovery community and we are forever grateful.
If you wish to become a donor and have a first-hand impact on the recovery journeys of thousands of people, contact us. We are thrilled to work with you!